Life isn't about just hanging in there, it is about moving forward until you become all that you can become.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Until You....

This is mainly for the one who has stolen my heart and run with it....but everyone should know how amazing she really is. Being that she and I have made a habit of bragging about each other via blog, I figured why stop now?!?

Kaylinn Wright is the most amazing girl I have had the privilege of getting to know. Though life for her at this time is like a constant thunderstorm, she has a steady and unwavering focus on the sunshine. Her ability to say the right words at the exact right time is uncanny. Her focus is rarely on herself and her needs. Being that she is marrying me, you all know that she has to be the most patient person in the world. :) She is the most beautiful in her natural form, and just as beautiful when she "pretties up". Her smile is as contagious as her laugh, and my sole focus is to make her constantly do both. When we are together she can never be close enough, which makes her being away that much more difficult. My family has taken her in as one of their own, and I absolutely love that. She encourages me to become my best every day and makes sure that I don't forget to put those things that truly matter first in my life.

I put her through weeks of emotional torture as I struggled to learn for myself my true feelings for her. Everyone in the world seemed to know how I should feel for her except for me. Then, out of nowhere, I was able to come to grips with what i knew since the moment we met. Though now we struggle through different battles...I know it makes us stronger and better.

Linnie~ Until you came along, I had truly almost given up. Thank you for being my rescuer, my fan, the source of my smile, my encouragement, my purpose, and the love of my life. As we strive to create eternity together, my hope is that we never lose the feelings and excitement that we feel now. I LOVE YOU!


Kaylinn January 28, 2009 at 5:05 PM  

My love, what sweet words. Look how lucky I am! Can't wait to be your wife!

Clay and Katy January 30, 2009 at 8:44 PM  

Congrats Mark! I am very happy and excited for you. Hope I can meet her some day - maybe in August, I should be down in L.A.


Heidi Prince January 30, 2009 at 10:23 PM  

and by torture you mean you got 2 free movies. yeah. whatever. lol congrats! :)

katie February 7, 2009 at 6:34 PM  

I am glad you have her for so many reasons, but really so she can take over the blog and update us on life once in a while.

Anonymous,  March 12, 2009 at 1:25 PM  

Mark, she sounds amazing! I'm so happy for you

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