Life isn't about just hanging in there, it is about moving forward until you become all that you can become.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Here I go!

Well, it seems to me that everyone and their pet has a blog these days, so I figure I had better start this up as well. Though, at this particular date and time, there is nothing too exciting to post. So, let me do a small little recap of what has been going on in my life in recent months as a testimony of the blessings that God has given to me.

For the last 4 months I was participating in the Disney College Program which takes poor ignorant college students down to Florida to work in less than ideal jobs for a less than ideal wage. Being that I had just graduated, it didn't take me long to realize that I was getting the short end of the deal. I was working as a Front Desk Cashier in one of the resorts. 2 months into my "experience" I was ready to leave. I felt as though the Lord had somewhat abandoned me in my quest to have a real life. After all, I was 26 and single and hadn't actually dated someone in a very long time. I felt like I was in a never-ending rut that I couldn't get myself out of.

So, getting the courage up to bail on a job, which I had only done once because it had challenged my integrity, my manager called me in to talk to me. He started to talk to me about he and the other managers felt that I should apply for a Professional Internship with Disney. I sort of disregarded this, not only because of my dislike of what I was currently doing, but thousands of people apply for these internships. But, seeing nothing to lose, I decided I might as well shoot for the stars. Besides, it has always been my dream to work at an influential level of the Disney company.

Two weeks later I got a call from Disneyland asking to set up an interview. To make a long story short (too late :)), at the beginning of my interview one of my interviewers had mentioned that I had checked her into her hotel room a couple of weeks prior. I felt good about the interview and was contacted a week later to be informed that I had gotten the position. Apparently, as part of their process, they have to pass our names through the VP of Disneyland Operations and believe it or not, I also had checked him into his room when he stayed at our resort. What are the chances that I would be the one to assist both of them as they checked into their rooms.

Anyways, here I am, a week before I head down to California and God has helped me to find an apartment that is super close for a great rate and to be able to start a career with one of the most world renowned companies. I have truly been blessed lately and this should be a lesson to all, that He will never abandon us. No matter what difficulties and struggles that we go through, He will be there to guide us exactly where we need to be, if we only allow Him to do so.


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