Life isn't about just hanging in there, it is about moving forward until you become all that you can become.

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Twists and Turns of Life....Ugh...

So, after 6 successful months at Disneyland I decided to take a little vacation home to just get away for awhile. It was super good to see some friends like Brandon and Michelle (which thanks for letting me crash!) and a whole lot of people from back home that always put a smile on my face. As I was away, and on my trip home by myself which consisted of a lot of think time, I felt very strongly that I should start thinking about my next goal in life.....getting a Masters degree. It just seems to keep slapping me in the face that I should really start thinking about it.

As I was visiting some friends on the BYU campus, a friend of mine told me about a job that was becoming available soon where I could work doing something I love, get paid more than Disney, and have my Masters degree entirely paid for. Wow, talk about throwing a wrench in the system. I have been struggling a little bit at Disneyland lately because I have the worst schedule ever. I am always working nights and weekends and I never get to have any kind of social life. AND to make matters worse, I was watching "The Rookie" the other night and there is a quote that Dennis Quaid's dad says in the movie that really kinda hit me hard: "Son, there comes a time when you need to stop doing what you want to do, and start doing what you are meant to do."

I kinda feel like this whole Disney thing is something that I have always wanted to do and so Heavenly Father has kinda paved the way for me to have that experience. Now, it boils down to me needing to find out what He would have me do. That is the hardest part in life you know? Aligning our will with His. So as I am really trying to do just that, it gets harder and harder to make that decision. I will wait and see if I even get offered that job back in Utah before making any decisions. But, we will see where these next couple of months will take me.

Everything else seems to be going well. I was in that earthquake the other day and didn't even feel it cause I was driving. My first real earthquake and I completely missed it. I was so disappointed! I was really anticipating going through my first one and a 5.8 on the scale too! Oh well, I am sure there will be others! :)


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